Nathaniel Bassey - Someone is knocking at the door Lyrics

Someone is knocking at the door Lyrics

Someone's knocking at the door
Someone's knocking at the door

Can you hear Him knocking
Can you hear Him knocking

He's been knocking very long
He's been knocking for so long

Can you hear Him knocking
Can you hear Him knocking

Jesus Jesus Jesus, is at the door
Jesus Jesus Jesus, is at the door

Someone's calling out your name
Calling time and time again

Can you hear Him calling
Can you hear Him calling

He's been calling very long
He's been calling for so long

Can you hear Him calling
He's been calling you

It's Jesus Jesus Jesus, is at the door
It's Jesus Jesus Jesus, is at the door

Don't let him walk away
He's so patient but, don't take a chance
All you need to do is open the door
Let Him take his rightful place
So He can change your world

Open up the door
Open up the door
Jesus Christ is waiting
Open up the door
Open up the door
The Lamb of God is calling
Open up the door
You're keeping Him waiting
He Just wants to love you
Open up the door
He Just wants to bless you
Open up the door
Why don't open up the door now?
Open up the door
Open up the door
Open up the door
Open up the door

Someone is knocking at the door Video

Someone is knocking at the door Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Someone is knocking at the door" is a powerful and soul-stirring gospel song by Nigerian singer and pastor, Nathaniel Bassey. The song carries a profound message of the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives and the need for us to open our hearts and let Him in.

Key Messages of the Song:

The song "Someone is knocking at the door" is a call to listen and respond to the voice of Jesus Christ. It emphasizes the urgency and persistence of His knocking, indicating His desire to enter into our lives and bring transformation. The key messages of the song can be understood chronologically from the lines:

1. "Someone's knocking at the door, can you hear Him knocking?" - This line sets the tone for the song, immediately capturing the attention of the listener. It invites us to be attentive to the presence of Jesus, who is knocking at the door of our hearts.

2. "He's been knocking for so long" - This line suggests that Jesus has been seeking a relationship with us for a considerable period. It highlights His patience and unwavering commitment to reaching out to us.

3. "Can you hear Him calling?" - This question emphasizes the need for us to be attentive and responsive to the voice of Jesus. It prompts us to listen intently for His call, which is often gentle and subtle.

4. "Someone's calling out your name, calling time and time again" - This line portrays Jesus as a loving and persistent Savior who calls us by name. It implies that He knows us intimately and desires a personal relationship with us.

5. "He's been calling for so long" - This line reiterates the persistence of Jesus' call. It reminds us that His desire to connect with us is enduring and unwavering.

6. "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, is at the door" - This repetition of Jesus' name emphasizes His divine presence and sovereignty. It reminds us that He is the one who is knocking and calling, and He deserves our attention and response.

Meaning of the Song:

The song "Someone is knocking at the door" carries a profound meaning that resonates with believers. It speaks to the universal human longing for a deeper spiritual connection and the need for salvation. The knocking at the door symbolizes Jesus' desire to enter into our lives, minds, and hearts. It represents His invitation to a personal and transformative relationship with Him.

The inspiration or the story behind the song is not explicitly known. However, it draws from biblical references such as Revelation 3:20, which says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." This verse highlights the imagery of Jesus knocking at the door and the invitation to open our hearts to Him.

Biblical Analysis:

The song "Someone is knocking at the door" aligns with biblical teachings and imagery. It reflects the biblical concept of Jesus as the Savior who seeks a personal relationship with His followers. The key biblical reference that connects to this song is Revelation 3:20, which we mentioned earlier.

In this verse, Jesus speaks to the church in Laodicea, urging them to open the door of their hearts to Him. This imagery is echoed in the lyrics of the song, emphasizing the need for us to respond to Jesus' call and invite Him into our lives.

Furthermore, the persistent knocking and calling mentioned in the song can be related to biblical teachings on God's unwavering love and pursuit of humanity. In Luke 15:4-7, Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep, highlighting the shepherd's relentless search for the one that went astray. Similarly, in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), the father eagerly waits for his son's return, symbolizing God's loving and patient nature.

The repetition of Jesus' name in the song also reflects the biblical teaching that there is power in the name of Jesus. Philippians 2:9-11 states, "Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

In conclusion, "Someone is knocking at the door" is a powerful gospel song by Nathaniel Bassey that carries a profound message of Jesus' presence in our lives. The song invites us to listen and respond to His call, emphasizing His persistence, unwavering love, and desire for a personal relationship with us. It aligns with biblical teachings on Jesus as the Savior who seeks to enter into our lives and bring transformation. The biblical references, particularly Revelation 3:20, add depth and authenticity to the song's message. "Someone is knocking at the door" serves as a reminder of the importance of opening our hearts to Jesus and allowing Him to have a central place in our lives.

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